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Personal Qualities that enhance my teaching

• Sense of Humor
• Enthusiasm
• Reflective
• High standards
• Creativity
• Adaptability
• Caring

Sense of Humor – It is important to include humor and laughter in the classroom.  I try not to take myself too seriously.  It is ok to laugh at yourself, to show your human side.  It allows students to connect to you as a person, and this rapport with students is what some of them need to find interest in your class.

Enthusiastic – I enjoy what I do, and I think that I bring an energy to my classroom.  I like to have fun with my students, and try to make the lessons informative, yet entertaining.  I want students to be excited about what they are learning, and if I am not excited, they won’t be.
Reflective – I am my worst critic.  I am always thinking about my lessons, activities, and my own person knowledge.  I want to always get better.  I never want to become stagnant and do the same things because they are easy.  I will continue to look at how to teach better things, better ways.

High Standards – I have set goals for myself as a person and as professional.  I never want to fall short of those goals.  I strive to be better and work harder to achieve those things.  I also set high standards for my students.  I want them to have to do things they don’t think they can and then see just how wonderful it is to achieve their goals.

Creativity – I never thought of myself as creative until I started teaching.  I realized that I can be ​creative.  I can change the way I teach as I need to.  I have been able to create lessons that have exceeded my expectations.  I am able to incorporate strategies and ideas into my lessons to create a better educational experience for my students.

Adaptability – Things constantly change, and I think I have done a pretty good job of handling those last minute divergences.  I have taught many lessons that when you plan them you think they are going to be amazing, to find out that they fizzle.  I have been able to save many of them by trying a different approach, and adjusting to the circumstances.  I think most teachers who last in the profession have this quality.  It allows you to deal with many stressful situations, and many times not skipping a beat.

Caring -– I don’t know all of the issues that my students face outside of school, but while they are in my class I want them to feel safe.  I want them to feel that they can express themselves openly.  I truly care about all of my students, and want all of them to be successful.  Students need someone who shows interest in them, their lives, and their interests.  I do my best to show students that I am here to help them find success in life.​

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