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“It has always seemed strange to me that in our endless discussions about education so little stress is laid on the pleasure of becoming an educated person, the enormous interest it adds to life. To be able to be caught up in the world of thought--that is to be educated.”
         --Edith Hamilton​

“He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.”
--Richard Henry Dann

I have tried to develop a teaching philosophy that would encompass all aspects of teaching and learning that I believe in, but it wasn’t as easy as I thought.  Education to me is not static, it continues to change over time.  The value of education continues to grow as our society expands and the world becomes a smaller place.  The global economy has created a need for educated workers, the time of the mindless, repetitive  job is disappearing.  The future workforce has to know computer operations, work collaboratively, problem solve and be independent thinkers.  Education’s job is to help students become productive members of society, they must know how to read and write, understand mathematics, ethics, citizenship, and be responsible members of the changing society.  I think the role education plays in a young persons life is even more dynamic than in the past.  Family dynamics today are different than they were 10-20 years ago and it is impacting the lives of young people.  Schools are now taking on roles that were much more commonly done at home.  This is a role that teachers are now faced with adapting to. 

The ideas presented below are my attempts to outline my beliefs and philosophy on education.

Beliefs about teaching and learning

• Individuals learn through different methods and at different rates. Accommodating these learning styles in lesson planning is essential to student success.
• Education is more than academics.  Students learn more than just the subject in class and teachers teach much more.
• High standards, challenging expectations and self-motivation lead to greater achievement.
• Learning is an active process.  Students must be engaged in the process to acquire knowledge.
• Students learn things they are interested in much more quickly.  Trying to make subjects interesting and relatable to students is a task that all teachers face.
• To teach means that you have learned something.  Many times it is beneficial to have students teach each other.  They will take ownership for that knowledge.
• Education is a shared responsibility among students, educators, family and the community.

• Teaching is a profession that demands a lot of a person you have to be creative, knowledgeable, entertaining, and be prepared for a constantly changing and evolving audience.  It is also the only profession that I have ever considered for myself.

• The greatest teachers are those that care about what they are doing, the lives they are changing and the responsibility they have been given.  These people truly care about their students and this translates into the student being much more successful.
• The profession of teaching is one that is constantly changing.  It is evolving as we discover new ideas, new ways of teaching, and the material we teach is in constant flux.  A challenge is to continue to learn what you are going to teach.
• Learning is a continuous endeavor.  Everyday we learn something new.  Everyday we gain experiences and knowledge and this allows us to continue to grow as human beings.
• Co-curricular activities such as music, athletics, drama and clubs provide opportunities for students to work and interact in groups and on teams.  They reinforce the educational program and foster self-discipline, dedication and spirit.

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